Intelligent order processing

Minimize waste.
Maximize return.

Maximize impact and sample to high-quality
consumers only with our suite of intelligent tools.

Minimize waste
Erborian - 89% of samplers were new to the product when sampling


sample waste reduction


carbon emission savings per order


increase in review response rates

Reduce sample waste by up to 41%

Our real-time order processing system detects low-quality requests to deliver the maximum return on investment from your product sampling campaigns.

Intelligent Order Processing Dashboard

Verify shipping address

to ensure your samples reach the right homes

Remove duplicate orders

to avoid sample hunters and make every order count

Intelligently filter requests

so that only the best people for your campaign receive a sample

Powered by SoPost data to make every sample count

Sample to consumers most likely to love your product with our intelligent order filtering technology. Using bespoke technology, we’ll identify and filter out orders based on your campaign’s objectives and specific behavioral patterns.

Whether it’s flagging people just looking for a freebie or focusing on new consumers only, we’ll ensure your samples reach the right hands.

Intelligent Order Processing Dashboard

Smart sampling
in just four steps


Sample request

A potential consumer engages with your campaign and requests a sample.


Order processing

We’ll process each order to verify shipping addresses and remove duplicate orders.


Intelligent filtering

Our intelligent technology checks against billions of SoPost data points to flag any low-quality consumers.


Alternative product

You can offer low-quality consumers an alternative product or digital experience to reduce sample waste and maximize campaign results.

Sample smarter with SoPost

We’ve helped over 350 brands supercharge their marketing efforts through our innovative digital sampling platform. Want to do the same?

Let’s talk